Dental Services

Dental Services

  • Mouth guards
    • If you grind or clench your teeth, then you should be sleeping with a night guard. A night guard is a clear plastic retainer worn at night that prevents teeth grinding by acting as a barrier between your upper and lower lines of teeth.
      Sports related dental injuries ranging from tooth loss to lacerated gums to jaw fractures are common among children and adults and can have long-term consequences. Mouthguards protect against trauma to the teeth, gums, soft tissues and supporting bones.

  • Cosmetic dentistry such as whitening
    • Safe and effective professional whitening techniques

  • Complete dental exams, x-rays, and cleanings
    • Having your teeth cleaned by our hygienists is a good way to prevent gingivitis and periodontal disease (gum disease)
      X-rays help your dentist see all that is going on in your mouth. Things that can’t be seen with the naked eye, such as:
      early stages of decay
      infections in the bone
      decay below the gum line
      loss of bone due to gum disease or
      the formation of baby teeth in children, can be captured through an X-ray.

  • Bruxism Appliances
    • Bruxism is a condition in which you grind or clench your teeth. Some people are not even aware that they do this and may unconsciously clench their teeth together during the day or at night while they are sleeping. A bruxism appliance, commonly referred to as a splint, bite-guard or nightguard is custom fabricated to fit your teeth. Depending on the type of appliance recommended, we may make a bruxism appliance or splint directly on your teeth or on a model of your teeth in the lab. Sometimes we have to send impressions or models of your teeth to a special dental laboratory for fabrication of your bruxism appliance, splint or nightguard.

  • Sealants
    • Sealants are thin layers of white composite material placed in the deep grooves of the back teeth (molars). Scientific studies have proven that properly applied sealants are highly effective in protecting the tooth surfaces from caries.

  • Fillings
    • Fillings are an excellent way to restore cavities, yet still give the tooth that natural look. Many materials exist to complete a filling, but the most common materials are dental amalgams (“silver filling”), and composite resins (“tooth coloured” filling). Over the past several years tooth coloured restorations have become a more popular choice for dentists and patients. However, there are some instances where a dental amalgam will outlast and outperform a tooth-coloured filling. If you have concerns about any particular filling material, please feel free to bring this up with your dentist at your next appointment.

  • Root Canals
    • When the nerve of a tooth is damaged, or infected with bacteria, the nerve can be removed in order to keep the tooth. This is called Root Canal Therapy.
      A root canal is performed by creating a small hole in the tooth to access the nerve. The infected nerve is removed using delicate instruments, the area is irrigated using an antimicrobial rinse, and the canal is filled up with a warm rubber material. All of this is done while the tooth is frozen.

  • Tooth Extractions
    • While our goal as dental practitioners is to help you keep your natural teeth for as long as possible, there are some instances where a tooth needs to be extracted. If you have a tooth that needs to be removed every effort will be made to ensure you are as comfortable as possible during the extraction.

  • Emergency exams and treatment
    • If you develop a toothache, loose filling or chipped tooth, give us a call and we will get you in as soon as possible.

  • Implants
    • A dental implant is an artificial tooth root that is placed into your jaw to hold a replacement tooth or bridge. Dental implants are an ideal option for people in good general oral health who have lost a tooth or teeth due to periodontal disease, an injury, or some other reason.

  • Bridges
    • A dental bridge is a false tooth that can be used to replace one or more missing teeth. Bridges can do many things, including reducing your risk of gum disease, help to correct minor bite issues and can even improve your speech. The false tooth acts as place holder to avoid the shifting of other teeth, improve/maintain your oral health as well as protect the appearance of your smile.

  • Crowns
    • Dental crowns are tooth-shaped coverings that are bonded over teeth to repair and improve appearance. They are an professional solution for repairing teeth that are badly damaged or decayed.